Secrets To Selling Your House Quickly

Secrets To Selling Your House Quickly Simplifying The Market

Seeing your house sit on the market without any bites is the ultimate frustration.

Seeing your house sit on the market without any bites is the ultimate frustration. And unfortunately, some sellers are in that tricky spot today.

According to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the average time a house spends on the market has increased over the past few years (see graph below):

A recent post from notes a similar trend:

During the week ending Sept. 14, homes stayed on the market eight days longer compared to last year. With more choices available and mortgage rates expected to fall, buyers are taking their time, which means sellers will need to be patient and flexible.”

Some of that is because inventory has gone up, so buyers have more options. And higher mortgage rates have definitely slowed demand over the past two years, and that’s out of your control. But here’s the secret. There’s something you can control – it’s also where those other sellers missed the mark. They didn’t work with the right agent.

Make no mistake, with the right strategy and agent partner, your house can still sell quickly, even today.

If time matters to you, you need to partner with an agent who understands this shifting market. That agent will be your go-to resource on what buyers are looking for right now, and how to position your home to hit the mark.

Here are just a few tips a great real estate agent will walk you through. They may seem simple, but advice like this can make all the difference.

1. Competitive Pricing: One of the most critical factors in selling your home quickly is setting the right price. A local real estate agent will do a competitive market analysis by reviewing recent sales and current listings for your area. Then, they’ll use that data to make sure your home is priced accurately for today’s market. This strategic pricing approach is the best way to make sure you’re hitting the sweet spot on price. If you don’t lean on an agent for this, it can really slow your process down. As U.S. News says:

“. . . setting an unrealistically high price with the idea that you can come down later doesn’t work in real estate . . . A home that’s overpriced in the beginning tends to stay on the market longer, even after the price is cut, because buyers think there must be something wrong with it.”

2. The Home’s Condition: Homes that are well maintained, have great curb appeal, and are updated with modern finishes tend to sell faster. So, if speed is a priority, make sure your house makes a great first impression. An agent is a key resource on what buyers will be looking for, if staging is worthwhile, and what repairs you need to tackle before you list. Ramsey Solutions offers this advice:

“In the spirit of selling your home fast, take care of things now that will be a problem in the closing process. Talk to your agent about fixes you’ll need to make to pass the home inspection, like: plumbing problems, roof damage, electrical issues, HVAC glitches. . . These are issues you’ll be expected to take care of before any buyers close on your house—you might as well get ahead of the game to help your home sell faster.”

3. Incentives and Extras: If you want to stand out from those other homes on the market, offering incentives or concessions, like help with closing costs, a home warranty, or including additional items (like appliances or furniture) with the sale can sweeten the deal for buyers. A real estate agent can suggest the right incentives to offer based on current market conditions and buyer expectations, so you can close the sale even faster.

Bottom Line

Selling a home quickly in a shifting market requires a strategic approach and an in-depth understanding of what buyers want. That’s why partnering with a local real estate agent is so important. As Forbes says:

“When time is of the essence, you can’t afford to take a chance on an inexperienced housing professional. Instead, you’ll want to work with a real estate agent who knows your market and has helped sellers in your situation before.”

Connect with an agent to make sure you’re set up for success.

Don’t Fall for These Real Estate Agent Myths

Don’t Fall for These Real Estate Agent Myths Simplifying The Market

When it’s time to buy or sell a home, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is who you’ll work with as your agent.

When it’s time to buy or sell a home, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is who you’ll work with as your agent. That choice will have an impact on your entire experience and how smoothly it goes.

As you figure out who you’ll partner with, it’s important to know what to expect and what to look for. Unfortunately, there may be some myths holding you back from making the best decision possible. So, let’s take some time to address those, and make sure you have the information you need to find the right agent for you.

Myth : All Real Estate Agents Are the Same

You might think all agents are the same – so it doesn’t matter who you work with. But, in reality, agents have varying levels of experience, specialties, and market knowledge, which can have a big impact on your results. For example: you’ll get much better service and advice from someone who is a true expert in their field. As Business Insider explains:

“If you were planning to get your hair done for a special event, you’d want to visit a stylist who specifically has experience doing that type of work — you wouldn’t make an appointment with someone who primarily does kids’ hair. The same concept applies to finding a real estate agent. If you have a smaller budget, you probably don’t want to work with an agent who exclusively sells multimillion-dollar properties.”

Take some time to talk with each agent you’re considering. Ask about their experience level and what they specialize in. This will help you find the one that’s the best fit for your search.

Myth : You Can Save Money by Not Using an Agent

As a seller, you may think you can save money by not working with a pro. However, the expertise, negotiation skills, and market knowledge an agent provides generally saves you money and helps you avoid making costly mistakes. Without that guidance, you could find yourself doing something like overpricing your house. And that’s a misstep that’ll cost you when it sits on the market for far too long. That’s why U.S. News Real Estate says:

When it comes to buying or selling your home, hiring a professional to guide you through the process can save you money and headaches. It pays to have someone on your side who’s well-versed in the nuances of the market and can help ensure you get the best possible deal.”

Myth : Agents Will Push You To Spend More

You may also be worried an agent will push you to buy a more expensive house in order to increase their commission. But that’s not how that should go. A good agent will respect your budget and work hard to find a home that truly fits your financial situation and needs. With their market know-how, they’ll point you toward the best option for you, rather than try to pad their own pockets on your dime. As NerdWallet explains:

“Among other things, a good buyer’s agent will find homes for sale. A buyer’s agent will help you understand the type of home you can afford in the current market, find listed homes that match your needs and price range, and then help you narrow the options to the properties worth considering.”

Myth : Market Conditions Are the Same Everywhere, So Why Do I Need a Pro?

Maybe you believe housing market conditions are the same no matter where you are. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Real estate markets are highly localized, and conditions can vary widely from one area to another. This is why you can’t pick just anyone you find online. You should choose an agent who’s an expert on your specific local market. As a recent article from Bankrate says:

Real estate is very localized, and you want someone who’s extremely knowledgeable about the market in your specific area.”

You’ll know you’ve found the right person when they can explain the national trends and how your area stacks up too. That way you’re guaranteed to get the full picture when you ask: “how’s the market?”

Bottom Line

Don’t let myths keep you from the expert guidance you deserve. With market knowledge and top resources, a trusted local real estate agent isn’t just helpful, they’re invaluable.

In what could be one of the biggest financial decisions of your life, having the right pro by your side is a game changer. Connect with an agent to make sure you get the best outcome possible.

Is Your House Priced Too High?

Is Your House Priced Too High? Simplifying The Market

Every seller wants to get their house sold quickly, for as much money as they can, with as few headaches as possible.

Every seller wants to get their house sold quickly, for as much money as they can, with as few headaches as possible. And chances are, you’re no different.

But did you know one of the biggest things that could jeopardize your success is the asking price for your home? Pricing your house correctly is one of the most crucial steps in the selling process.

So, how do you know if you’re missing the mark? Here are four signs your high asking price might be turning potential buyers away—and why leaning on your real estate agent is the best way to course correct.

1. You’re Not Getting Many Showings or Offers

One of the most obvious signs your house may be overpriced is a lack of showings. If it’s been on the market for several weeks and only a few buyers have come to see it—or worse, you haven’t gotten any offers—it could be a clear indication the price isn’t matching up with what buyers expect. Because buyers who have been looking for a while can easily spot (and write off) a home that seems overpriced.

Your real estate agent will coach you through this, so lean on their experience for what you may want to try to bring more buyers in, including considering a price cut.

2. Buyers Have Consistent Negative Feedback after Showings

And if after the showings you do have, comments from the potential buyers aren’t great, you may need to course correct. Feedback from showings is an important part of understanding how buyers see your house. If they consistently say it’s overpriced compared to other homes they’ve seen, it’s time to reconsider your pricing strategy.

Your agent will gather and analyze this feedback for you, so you can look at how your house stacks up in the market. They can also suggest specific improvements or staging changes to better justify your asking price, or recommend one that aligns with today’s buyer expectations. As the National Association of Realtors (NAR) explains:

“Based on all the data gathered, agents may make adjustments to the initial price recommendation. This could involve adjusting for market conditions, property uniqueness, or other factors that may impact the property’s value.”

3. It’s Been on the Market for Too Long

And that lack of interest is ultimately going to lead to it sitting on the market without any serious bites. The longer it lingers, the more likely it is to raise red flags for buyers, who may wonder if something is wrong with it. Especially in today’s market with growing inventory, a long listing period means your house is stale – and that makes it even harder to sell.

Your real estate agent will be able to give you perspective on how quickly other homes in your area are selling and walk you through what’s working for other sellers. That way you can decide together if there’s something you want to do differently. As a Bankrate article says:

“Check with your agent about the average number of days homes spend on the market in your area. If your listing has been up significantly longer than average, that may be a sign to reduce the price.”

4. Your Neighbor’s House Sold Without an Issue

And here’s the last one to watch out for. If similar homes in your area are selling faster than yours, it’s a clear sign that something is off. This could be due to things like a lack of upgrades, outdated features, or a less desirable location. Or, it may be priced too high.

Your agent will keep you up to date on your competition and what changes, if any, you need to make your home more competitive. They’ll offer advice on small updates that could increase your home’s appeal or how to adjust your strategy to reflect the reality of the market today.

Bottom Line

Pricing a home correctly is both an art and a science. It requires a deep understanding of the market and buyer psychology. And when the price isn’t drawing in buyers, there’s no better resource than your agent on what you may want to do next.

Falling Mortgage Rates Are Bringing Buyers Back

Falling Mortgage Rates Are Bringing Buyers Back Simplifying The Market

If you’ve been hesitant to list your house because you’re worried no one’s buying, here’s your sign it may be time to talk with an agent.

If you’ve been hesitant to list your house because you’re worried no one’s buying, here’s your sign it may be time to talk with an agent.

After months of high rates keeping buyers on the sidelines, things are starting to shift. Rates are already coming down due to a number of economic factors. And yesterday the Federal Reserve cut the Federal Funds Rate for the first time since they began raising that rate in March 2022. And while they don’t control mortgage rates, this sets the stage for mortgage rates to fall even further than they already have – especially since more cuts from the Fed are expected into next year. And lower mortgage rates are bringing more buyers back into the market. Lisa Sturtevant, Chief Economist at Bright MLS, says:

“A drop in the cost of borrowing will help fuel more homebuyer demand . . . Falling rates will also bring more sellers into the market.”

The best part? You can take advantage of that renewed buyer interest.

As Rates Fall, Buyer Activity Goes Up

The graph below illustrates the relationship between falling mortgage rates and rising buyer activity. The orange line represents the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate, while the blue line shows the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) Mortgage Application Index, which tracks the number of mortgage applications.

As you can see, as mortgage rates (orange) come down, the Mortgage Application Index (blue) rises, showing more people start to re-engage in the process (see graph below):

What This Means for You

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), home sales increased in July, which was a welcome shift after four straight months of declines. If you’re a homeowner thinking about selling, this uptick in buyer activity works in your favor.

More buyers means more competition, which can lead to higher offers and shorter time on the market for your house. And, according to Edward Seiler, AVP of Housing Economics at the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), this trend is expected to continue:

“MBA is expecting that slower home-price appreciation, coupled with lower rates, will ease affordability constraints and lead to increased activity in the housing market.”

All in all, the market is becoming more accessible to a wider range of buyers, which could result in even more people looking to purchase a house like yours.

With more buyers entering the market, now’s the time to start getting your house ready to sell.

Bottom Line

The recent decline in mortgage rates is already driving more buyers into the market, and experts project this trend will continue. Work with a local real estate agent to take advantage of this increased buyer demand and get your house ready to sell.

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