Buy Now, or Wait?

Buy Now, or Wait? Simplifying The Market

If you’re wondering if you should buy now or wait, here’s what you need to know. 

Some Highlights

  • If you’re wondering if you should buy now or wait, here’s what you need to know.
  • If you wait for rates to drop more, you’ll have to deal with more competition and higher prices as additional buyers jump back in. But if you buy now, you’d get ahead of that and have the chance to start building equity.
  • Should you buy now or wait? Connect with a real estate agent and talk through it together, so you can make your best decision.

Don’t Fall for These Real Estate Agent Myths

Don’t Fall for These Real Estate Agent Myths Simplifying The Market

When it’s time to buy or sell a home, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is who you’ll work with as your agent.

When it’s time to buy or sell a home, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is who you’ll work with as your agent. That choice will have an impact on your entire experience and how smoothly it goes.

As you figure out who you’ll partner with, it’s important to know what to expect and what to look for. Unfortunately, there may be some myths holding you back from making the best decision possible. So, let’s take some time to address those, and make sure you have the information you need to find the right agent for you.

Myth : All Real Estate Agents Are the Same

You might think all agents are the same – so it doesn’t matter who you work with. But, in reality, agents have varying levels of experience, specialties, and market knowledge, which can have a big impact on your results. For example: you’ll get much better service and advice from someone who is a true expert in their field. As Business Insider explains:

“If you were planning to get your hair done for a special event, you’d want to visit a stylist who specifically has experience doing that type of work — you wouldn’t make an appointment with someone who primarily does kids’ hair. The same concept applies to finding a real estate agent. If you have a smaller budget, you probably don’t want to work with an agent who exclusively sells multimillion-dollar properties.”

Take some time to talk with each agent you’re considering. Ask about their experience level and what they specialize in. This will help you find the one that’s the best fit for your search.

Myth : You Can Save Money by Not Using an Agent

As a seller, you may think you can save money by not working with a pro. However, the expertise, negotiation skills, and market knowledge an agent provides generally saves you money and helps you avoid making costly mistakes. Without that guidance, you could find yourself doing something like overpricing your house. And that’s a misstep that’ll cost you when it sits on the market for far too long. That’s why U.S. News Real Estate says:

When it comes to buying or selling your home, hiring a professional to guide you through the process can save you money and headaches. It pays to have someone on your side who’s well-versed in the nuances of the market and can help ensure you get the best possible deal.”

Myth : Agents Will Push You To Spend More

You may also be worried an agent will push you to buy a more expensive house in order to increase their commission. But that’s not how that should go. A good agent will respect your budget and work hard to find a home that truly fits your financial situation and needs. With their market know-how, they’ll point you toward the best option for you, rather than try to pad their own pockets on your dime. As NerdWallet explains:

“Among other things, a good buyer’s agent will find homes for sale. A buyer’s agent will help you understand the type of home you can afford in the current market, find listed homes that match your needs and price range, and then help you narrow the options to the properties worth considering.”

Myth : Market Conditions Are the Same Everywhere, So Why Do I Need a Pro?

Maybe you believe housing market conditions are the same no matter where you are. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Real estate markets are highly localized, and conditions can vary widely from one area to another. This is why you can’t pick just anyone you find online. You should choose an agent who’s an expert on your specific local market. As a recent article from Bankrate says:

Real estate is very localized, and you want someone who’s extremely knowledgeable about the market in your specific area.”

You’ll know you’ve found the right person when they can explain the national trends and how your area stacks up too. That way you’re guaranteed to get the full picture when you ask: “how’s the market?”

Bottom Line

Don’t let myths keep you from the expert guidance you deserve. With market knowledge and top resources, a trusted local real estate agent isn’t just helpful, they’re invaluable.

In what could be one of the biggest financial decisions of your life, having the right pro by your side is a game changer. Connect with an agent to make sure you get the best outcome possible.

Why Buying Now May Be Worth It in the Long Run

Why Buying Now May Be Worth It in the Long Run Simplifying The Market

Should you buy a home now or should you wait? That’s a question a lot of people have these days.

Should you buy a home now or should you wait? That’s a question a lot of people have these days. And while what’s right for you is going to depend on a lot of different factors, here’s something you’ll If you bought a $450,000 home at the beginning of this year, based on that starting value and the expert forecasts from the HPES, you could gain more than $90,000 in household wealth over the next five years. That’s significant.

So, if you’re ready and able to buy , and growing your wealth is important to you, you’ve got an opportunity in front of you. And now that mortgage rates have fallen, it may be time to consider making a move.

To talk more about your options and what makes sense, lean on a pro. They’ll be able to tell you what home prices are doing in your area and what that means for your move (and your future equity). The Mortgage Reports says:

“Given the intricacies of the current market, it’s more important than ever to stay informed and up to date about housing market conditions. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell in the remaining months of 2024, having a professional guide you through the process can make all the difference.” 

Bottom Line

The decision to buy now or wait is a very personal one, but it’s valuable to have an expert’s perspective. They won’t push you, but they will explain things you may not have considered, like the equity that’s at stake.

If you want help weighing your options and thinking through how the current market factors in, connect with a local real estate agent.

The Down Payment Assistance You Didn’t Know About

The Down Payment Assistance You Didn’t Know About Simplifying The Market

Believe it or not, almost 80% of first-time homebuyers qualify for down payment assistance, but only 13% actually use it. 

Believe it or not, almost 80% of first-time homebuyers qualify for down payment assistance, but only 13% actually use it. And if you’re hoping to buy a home, this is a mission-critical gap to close – fast (see graph below):

<imgsrc=”” alt=”No Caption Received”>Here’s what you need to know to make the most of your down payment in today’s housing market.

Amplify Your Down Payment Potential

For first-time buyers, the name of the game with down payments is making sure you’re taking advantage of all the resources out there designed to help you. And a bunch of them can get you to your goal faster than you may have thought possible.

For example, there are loan options that require as little as 3% down, or even 0% for certain qualified borrowers, like Veterans. And let’s not forget down payment assistance, like grants and other opportunities, that help you cover the upfront cost of your down payment.

If you’re interested in exploring those options and what you may be able to use to your advantage, connect with a trusted lender. Because if you don’t at least see what’s available, you could be leaving money on the table and missing your chance at buying a home. These resources can boost your down payment. And a higher down payment could help lower your eventual monthly mortgage payment, and even avoid or reduce your fees like private mortgage insurance.

Don’t Let News Headlines About Down Payments Scare You

There’s one more thing to address. News coverage has been talking about how the typical down payment is rising. A report from Redfin states:

“The typical down payment for U.S. homebuyers hit a record high of $67,500 in June, up 14.8% from $58,788 a year earlier . . . This was the 12th consecutive month the median down payment rose year over year.”

But don’t let those high dollars scare you. Just because the average down payment is rising doesn’t mean down payment requirements are going up. That’s a key piece of the puzzle to understand. It’s really just because people are choosing to put more down to try to offset higher mortgage rates, and current homeowners who are putting their equity to work are using that to increase their down payment on their next home. As HousingWire explains:

“. . . buyers are putting down a higher percentage of the purchase price to lower their monthly mortgage payment. And buyers also had more equity from their home sales, which gives them more cushion.”

Let’s break those two reasons down a bit:

1. A bigger down payment helps lower your monthly mortgage payment. Affordability has been a challenge for many buyers recently, which is why those who have the ability to make a bigger down payment are going to do so in an effort to lower their future housing costs.

2. Buyers who already own a home have a record amount of equity to leverage. Someone who bought a home a few years ago has gained a significant amount of value in their house, thanks to home price appreciation. These people can put down much more than the average first-time buyer who hasn’t owned a home yet.

Bottom Line

What’s the best thing to do? Talk with a trusted lender about your options. They’ll help you figure out where you stand today and how to access the resources you may qualify for. Because help is out there, you just need to work with a pro to take advantage of it.

Lower Mortgage Rates Boost Your Buying Power

Lower Mortgage Rates Boost Your Buying Power Simplifying The Market

Mortgage rates are trending down and that’s great news for your bottom line.

Some Highlights

  • Mortgage rates are trending down and that’s great news for your bottom line.
  • As rates drop, your monthly payment on your next home does too. Even a small change in mortgage rates can have a big impact on your purchasing power.
  • If you put your search on hold when mortgage rates were higher, think about how much you could save now that rates are coming down.
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